

Latest Photos

  1. 1.Duis Nonsequ Ismodol

  2. 2.Eliquatuero Numsan

  3. 3.Attenim Facilla

  4. 4.Nulput et Dolorer

Minturno is located mid-way between the cities of Rome and Naples.  From Leonardo da Vinci Airport, travel south by car on the Superstrada (A1) in the direction of Rome/Naples to the the Cassino exit (approx. 150 kilometers).   Proceed south on SS630 to the Minturno exit (approx. 25 kilometers).  Proceed on the Strada Minturnese into the hills.  As an alternative, a train can be taken from the Rome Termini to the Minturno-Scauri station; a 1 hour and 20 minutes ride.

                 Villa Gattini-->

   Town of Minturno-->

   Villa Gattini


Tyrrhenian Sea

Guest House
